4382 N Sunset Cliff Drive is Sold


4382 N Sunset Cliff Drive was on the market for $499,900-it finally sold after 50 days for $440,000; it was listed by Realty Exchange. This 2,684 square foot home has 4 bedrooms, 3 full baths and 3 car garage. It is located near the end of a quiet cul-de-sac. In this hot real estate market it is unusual for it to take almost 2 months to sell a Sabino Mountain home; also it is equally unusual that it sold for this far below the list price. The house did not show as updated and perhaps that is a contributing reason for the length it took to sell it plus the much lower than list price for the final sale price.


If you thinking of selling your Sabino Mountain home give me a call: 520-603-8622. I promise excellent service and have sold many in our neighborhood.