4247 N Sabino Mountain Drive was listed for sale by Long Realty for $1,775,000 and went under contract in 4 days and sold on May 18 for full price! Just over 3 years ago it sold for $1,106,700. The Sellers made some appealing renovations that helped this house sell quickly.
4409 N Black Rock Drive Sells for 2.2 Million
The almost 4,500 square foot home on the ridge sold for 2.2 million. The house saw vast renovations in the past few years. After the price was reduced it surprisingly sold for the original asking price of 2.2 million and only took just over 5 weeks to sell! If you are wondering which house it is–It is located 2 homes before you reach the second gated area of Sabino Mountain- “The Retreat”.
Home for Sale on Sunset Cliff Drive Sold for 585K

4272 N Sunset Cliff Drive listed by Long Realty for 585K went under contract immediately and then went back up for sale and then a few weeks later went back under contract and sold on May 24th for full price. This 2,074 square foot home has a lot of upgrades. It is a flip-the Sellers bought it for 365K in October 2022 and then renovated it.
Listing on N Black Rock Drive has been Reduced to $1,089,000 and is Under Contract 7/25
Long Realty had listed 4065 N Black Rock Drive for $1,350,000 in early April and several months later the price has been reduced to $1,089,000. Finally on July 25th it went under contract. I will keep you posted on the final sales place when it closes escrow. This 3,513 square foot Monterey- built home is located on the ridge facing the high Santa Catalinas. It is always a mistake to price your home too high because usually the most motivated buyers are found in the beginning and they may pass it by if they think the price is too high.
Home for Sale on Sabino Mountain Drive has Reduced its Price
4507 N Sabino Mountain Drive was listed in early April for 1.2 million by Long Realty; it was reduced by 100K on May 20,2023 to 1.1 million. This 3,169 square foot home is next door to the Club House and is located on the ridge. The outdoor features a spa. At night one can experience the sparkling city lights. Although the market is still very good for most Sellers, pricing the home at fair market value right from the beginning is the right choice.