Open Houses – Sabino Mountain

It was interesting to note that the best priced homes in Sabino Mountain were held open today–they are located on Sunset Cliff Place, Boulder Canyon Place and Black Rock Drive. You know there are 5 others for sale and they were not held open. I guess it is fair to say some agents aggressively market their homes and others’ don’t. Although the market is turning in the Tucson Foothills for homes priced under 500K, homes still need to be aggressively marketed. It makes sense that homes listed for sale be held open once a month. As I look at the homes listed for sale, I have noted some agents really do not know the tricks of the trade, or they are not applying them. Of course, over-priced homes have little chance of selling. Selling a home demands a partnership of the Owners with their Agent. The Owners need to allow the agent to hold it open (once a month) and need to allow their agent to price the home at fair market value.

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