Here are the 6 homes that have sold during the first half of the year:
$370,000 2,684 square ft, Monterey 2 story
$375,000 2,236 square ft, Pepper-Viner 1 story
$383,500 2,936 square ft, Monterey, 2 story (Short Sale)
$418,000 2,708 square ft, Pepper-Viner 2 story
$1,000,000 3,398 square ft, TRS custom-built, ridge-top home-builder’s home
$1,250,000 3,923 square ft, custom-built, ridge-top –home sold by me.
There are 2 under contract, both located on Sunset Cliff Dr., built by Monterey:
one list -priced at 335K that is a one-story 2,074 square foot home; the other is list- priced at a range price of 390-410K and is a two-story home that is 2,904 square feet. Final sales prices will be posted once they close escrow.